• Question: Your days must be pretty hectic do you ever get bored or tired?

    Asked by HiI'mSophie to RobB on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Rob Brass

      Rob Brass answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Hi again!

      They can be! To be honest it depends what I’m doing. We have a few clinical duties that we can be rostered for, some of these can be a bit dull. For instance when we’re doing something called ‘dose checking’ we have to go through about 20-30 plans and check everything looks right, then run it through some computer software which does another, different check. This can get a bit boring as 99% of the time everything is fine. But its important to still pay attention so you dont miss that 1%!

      I think I prefer being busy to be honest! I’d had looong 13 hour days where I’m rushing around doing a dozen different jobs and it absolutely flies by! But then I’ve had normal 7.5 hour days where I’m writing a report and it feels endless! I’d much rather be busy! You do get tired after a busy day but you also feel pretty good about yourself if you’ve been really productive 🙂
