• Question: why is there no typical day i dont understand plz expalin {;}

    Asked by $$$Cardell$$$ to Bex on 13 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Rebecca Thompson

      Rebecca Thompson answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      My job is honestly so varied, no two days are the same! I’ll tell you what I’m up to this week, which will hopefully give you an idea how many different things I get up to 🙂

      Monday- Meetings in the morning to make sure all our electron microscopes are in good working order, and to share news of exciting research that happened the week before. In the afternoon, I did a ‘photo shoot’ where the University wanted to take pictures of the new million pound microscopes so they can publicise the cool facilities we have at Leeds! (I didn’t really enjoy that so much, I hate having my photo taken!)

      Tuesday- Meeting with someone from a company which sells laboratory equipment to start negotiating a good price for some new equipment we need to buy! In the afternoon, a meeting with people from the faculty of engineering to finish organising a week long training workshop we are running in the summer. I’m also going to start some work on a protein for a scientist who works on proteins in skin. She would like to know what her protein looks like in the microscope, so I am helping her. I also have two live school chats which I’m excited about!

      Wednesday- A busy day! I’m running a mini conference for scientists across the university to come and find out about how they can use the electron microscopes in their research. We have over 50 people coming (and I still haven’t written my lecture for this yet… Better get on with it haha!)

      Thursday- The second of our new multi-million pound microscopes is arriving at 7am, so an early start for me to watch the lorry arrive and help unpack the boxes! In the afternoon, I’m driving down to Oxford as I start first thing there on Friday.

      Friday- Data collection on electron microscopes down at the national facility near oxford. This is always lots of fun!

      I hope you can see I end up doing lots of different things, which I love and keeps me super busy! Hope that helps 🙂
