• Question: What your favorite top three jokes?

    Asked by food to Kylie, Matt, Bex, RobB, Sam on 14 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Rebecca Thompson

      Rebecca Thompson answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      1) Do you want to hear a chemistry joke?
      All the best ones argon..

      (Argon is an element in the periodic table!)

      2) I’ve got my Doctorate in palindromes. I’m now known as Dr Awkward

      3) Two scientists walk into a bar. One says ‘I’ll have a pint of H2O’ The other says ‘I’ll have pint of h20 too’. The second scientist died.

      (H2O is water, H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, which is poisonous!)

      (I apologise for these jokes..)

    • Photo: Rob Brass

      Rob Brass answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      1. Whats brown and sticky?
      A stick.

      2. Why are pirates pirates?
      Because they aarrrghhh

      3. A photon checks in at the airport …
      check-in clerk: “No bags sir?”
      Photon: “No, im travelling light”

      hahahahahahahahaha 😀

    • Photo: Matt Dunn

      Matt Dunn answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      1) A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says ”Sorry we don’t serve food in here”

      2) I sold my vacuum cleaner, it was just gathering dust

      3) What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh!

    • Photo: Kylie Belchamber

      Kylie Belchamber answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      1. Two fish in a tank, one turns to the other and says ‘how do you drive this thing?!’

      2. What did the biologist wear on his first date?
      Designer genes!

      3. Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium BATMAN!
