• Question: What is your favourite kind of medication

    Asked by Gabor Kiraily to Kylie, Matt, Bex, RobB, Sam on 21 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Rob Brass

      Rob Brass answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Haha, I dont think I have one! I did take a couple of paracetamol this morning after watching the Wales game last night so i’ll say them! 🙂

    • Photo: Kylie Belchamber

      Kylie Belchamber answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Awesome username!

      I think probably painkillers are my favourite, because they are so usefull when you hurt yourself! Morphine in particular, because it can take away almost any pain, and you don’t care about the pain either! Morphine is actually very similar to heroine. Heroine is diacetylmorphine, so a morphine molecule with two acetyl groups attached. It makes it more soluble, so its much stronger then morphine, but they give similar effects.

      Taking too much morphine can be addictive though, so hospitals have to be careful when using it!

    • Photo: Matt Dunn

      Matt Dunn answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      The most useful kinds are definitely painkillers 😀

    • Photo: Rebecca Thompson

      Rebecca Thompson answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      I have asthma, so my favourite medicine is my inhalers which help me breathe! In fact, I’d probably be quite dead without them..
